Plant Assessor has multiple document libraries so you can store all of your machinery, compliance and employee paperwork digitally, giving you access anytime, anywhere. Here we give you a breakdown of the different types.
1. People documents
People documents can be applied to a single employee or to multiple users. Adding expiry dates also alerts you to documents that need to be renewed.
Example documents are:
- Accreditations
- Competency records
- Drivers Licences
- First Aid
- Qualifications
2. Membership documents
Documents added to this entity are company specific. These documents are included by default under 'Company Documents' when sharing a machine profile, unless public profiles have been enabled.
Example documents are:
- Insurance certificates
- Company Policies
- Company Accreditations
- Certificates of Business registration
...and more.
3. Machine Type documents
Machine type documents relate to Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and apply to all machines in your fleet that fall under the machine type selected. They can be shared or requested as part of the machine supply process.
4. Machine documents
Machine documents only apply to the machine they are added to and are available by clicking on the library icon next to the machine.
These documents are in addition to any risk assessment surveys or pre-starts conducted within Plant Assessor and are included when sharing the machine profile, unless public profiles have been enabled.
Example documents are:
- Maintenance records
- Build up specs
- Insurances
- Operator manuals
- Pre-mobilisation checklists
...and more.
5. Site documents
Site documents can be applied to a single site or to multiple. Documents assigned to a site will be accessible to all machines supplied to that site.
Example documents are:
- Traffic management plans
- Site risk assessment
- Site policies
- Site safety rules
- Emergency Evacuation plans
...and more.
6. Connection documents
Connection documents are part of the machine supply process and allow you, as a site owner to set site default documents that a Connection must supply. Once a Connection uploads the appropriate documents to their Plant Assessor library, you are able to reject or approve them.
Example documents to request are:
- Risk assessments
- Inspection reports
- Registrations
- Insurances
- Accreditations
...and more.